Carlo Dal Mutto, Pietro Zanuttigh, Guido M. Cortelazzo
In Proc. of 3DPVT Conf., Paris (FR), May 2010
Setup 1:
White wall
Setup 2: Checkerboard
Setup 3:
Random Color
Setup 4: Brickwall
Setup 5: Box
Setup 6: Ball
Setup 7: Complex
Setup 8: Complex2
This page contains the datasets used for the experimental results of the paper: "A Probabilistic Approach to ToF and Stereo Data Fusion" by Carlo Dal Mutto, Pietro Zanuttigh, and Guido Maria Cortelazzo.
The setups have been created with Autodesk 3DS Max. Each setup .zip file contains an image acquired by the synthetic RGB camera L ("L.bmp"), an image acquired by the synthetic RGB camera R ("R.bmp") and a depthmap acquired by the synthetic ToF camera T ("T.bmp"). The depthmap "T.bmp" is normalized in [0-1] and can be mapped in meters by applying the following equation: