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Agresti Gianluca, Ph.D. Student
e-mail: agrestig(at)dei.unipd.it
Phone (office): +39 049 827
Skype: gianluca.agresti92
Gianluca Agresti is a senior engineer working at the Sony R\& D Center Europe Stuttgart Laboratory 1.
He received the M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Padova in 2016 where he also got the Ph.D. degree at the Department of Information Engineering in 2020.
His research activities are about computer vision, in particular about 3D sensor data denoising, with a focus on Time-of-Flight cameras and multi-sensor fusion.
Research interests
His research interests are:
Time-of-Flight data denoising
Data fusion from multiple 3D sensors
Deep learning
Journal papers:
Conference proceedings:
Agresti G., Schaefer H., Sartor P., Zanuttigh P., "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for ToF Data
Denoising with Adversarial Learning", Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach, USA, 2019.
Biasetton M., Michieli U., Agresti G., Zanuttigh P., "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes",
Proceedings of the Int. Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW): Workshop on Autonomous Driving (WAD), Long Beach, USA, 2019.
Agresti G., Milani S., "Material Idetification using RF Sensors and Convolutional Neural Networks", Proceedings of the International Conference on Acustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, 2019.
Agresti G., Zanuttigh P., "Deep Learning for Multi-Path Error Removal in
ToF Sensors", Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW): Geometry Meets Deep Learning, Munich, Germany, 2018
Agresti G., Zanuttigh P., "Combination of Spatially-Modulated ToF and Structured
Light for MPI-Free Depth Estimation", Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW): 3D Reconstruction in the Wild, Munich, Germany, 2018
Agresti G., Minto L., Marin G., Zanuttigh P., "Deep Learning for Confidence Information in Stereo and ToF Data Fusion", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW): 3D Reconstruction meets Semantics, Venice, Italy, 2017
Milani S., Agresti G., Calvagno G., "A rate control algorithm for video coding in augmented reality applications." Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2016. IEEE, 2016.