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Giampaolo Pagnutti, External Research Collaborator
e-mail: pagnutti(at)dei.unipd.it
Phone (office): +39 049 827
Skype: gpagnutti
Giampaolo Pagnutti was born in 1972. He received a Master degree (laurea, 110/110 cum laude) in Mathematics from the University of Padova in 1997 (Functional Analysis, PDEs),
and an one-year Master degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Milano-Bicocca in 1999 (Numerical Analysis, Geometric Modeling).
He collaborated with the University of Milano-Bicocca since 1999 to 2009, first as a Lecturer (Numerical Analysis, Matlab laboratories),
then as Adjunct Professor (courses: Geometric Modeling for 5 years, Numerical Methods for Computer Graphics for 7 years).
Since year 2000 he has also been working in the CAD software development industry,
and he is currently a Director, Software Development at Altair.
In 2017 he received a PhD degree in Information Engineering from the University of Padova working within the Multimedia Technology and Telecommunications Lab (LTTM).
He currently collaborates with the same group,
and his research is focused on Computer Vision topics in conjunction with Geometric Modeling techniques.
Research interests
His main research interests are:
Geometric Modeling (NURBS, SubD).
Surface reconstruction from 3D data.
3D data segmentation and understanding.
Journal papers:
G. Pagnutti, P. Zanuttigh,
"Joint segmentation of color and depth data based on splitting and merging driven by surface fitting",
Image and Vision Computing, Volume 70, 2018
G. Pagnutti, L. Minto, P. Zanuttigh,
"Segmentation and semantic labelling of RGBD data with convolutional neural networks and surface fitting",
IET Computer Vision, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2017
Conference proceedings:
L. Minto, P. Zanuttigh, G. Pagnutti,
"Deep learning for 3D shape classification based on volumetric density and surface approximation clues",
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Funchal / Madeira, Portugal, 2018
L. Minto, G. Pagnutti, P. Zanuttigh,
"Scene segmentation driven by deep learning and surface fitting",
Geometry Meets Deep Learning Workshop, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016
G. Pagnutti, P. Zanuttigh,
"Joint color and depth segmentation based on region merging and surface fitting",
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, Italy, 2016
G. Pagnutti,
"Scene analysis from color and depth data based on surface fitting",
Doctoral Consortium on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (DCVISIGRAPP), Rome, Italy, 2016
G. Pagnutti, P. Zanuttigh,
"Scene segmentation based on NURBS surface fitting metrics",
Smart Tools and Apps in computer Graphics (STAG), Verona, Italy, 2015
G. Pagnutti, P. Zanuttigh,
"Scene segmentation from depth and color data driven by surface fitting",
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris, France, 2014
G. Pagnutti,
"Segmentation of color and depth data based on surface fitting",
Ph.D. thesis in Information Engineering, Padova, 2017
G. Pagnutti,
"Existence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for certain nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations in the divergence form",
M.Sc. thesis in Mathematics, Padova, 1997
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