\ToF \depth scene_x_MHz120_depth.mat Depth map (along z axis) of the training scene x captured by the ToF camera (simulated with Sony ToF Explore). It has resolution 512x424 and it is captured w.r.t. the view point of the ToF camera. It is measured in meters. The map is obtained by phase unwrapping the 120 MHz estimation by using the 16 and 80 MHz depth estimations \depth_reprojected scene_x_MHz120_depth_reprojected.mat Depth map (along z axis) of the training scene x captured by the ToF camera and projected on the sensor of the reference camera in the stereo vision system (right camera). The depth map has resolution 960x540 px and it is measured in meters. \disparity_reprojected scene_x_MHz120_disparity_reprojected.mat Disparity map generated from scene_x_MHz120_depth_reprojected using the parameters of the stereo vision system. The disparity map has resolution 960x540 px and it is measured in pixels. \amplitude scene_x_MHzY_amplitude.mat Amplitude image of the training scene x captured by the ToF camera at Y MHz. The amplitude is measured in electrons and has resolution 512x424. \amplitude_reprojected scene_x_MHz120_amplitude_reprojected.mat Amplitude image of the training scene x captured by the ToF camera at 120 MHz and projected on the sensor of the reference camera in the stereo vision system (right camera). The amplitude is normalized in the range [0;1]. The image has resolution 960x540 px \intensity scene_x_MHzY_intensity.mat Intensity image of the training scene x captured by the ToF camera at Y MHz. The intensity is measured in electrons and has resolution 512x424. \depth_gound_truth scene_x_depth.mat Contains the ground truth depth map (along z axis) of the training scene x wrt the ToF point of view The resolution of the depth map is 512x424. The depth is measure in meters. The ground truth data related to the ToF reprojected data can be found in: \color_camera_dx\depth_ground truth_halfResolution and \color_camera_dx\disparity_ground truth_halfResolution \color_camera_dx \color_images Contains the color images of the training scenes from the point of view of the reference camera in the stereo vision system. The images are in .png format and they have resolution 1920x1080 pixels. \stereo_disparity_maps scene_x_disparity_stereo_dx.mat Disparity map computed on training scene x with the stereo vision system. The disparity map has resolution 960x540 pixels and is estimated from the point of view of the right camera in the stereo vision system. \stereo_depth_maps scene_x_disparity_stereo_dx.map Depth map generated from scene_x_disparity_stereo_dx by using the parameters of the considered stereo system. \depth_ground truth_fullResolution, \depth_ground truth_halfResolution and \disparity_ground truth_halfResolution These folders contain the ground truth depth or disparity maps of the training scenes from the point of view of the right camera in the stereo vision system. In the fullResusolution case we have 1920x1080 depth/disparity maps, instead in the halfResolution case the resolution is 960x540 pixels. The halfResolution ground truth data are also valid for the ToF data projected on the stereo system. \color_camera_sx \color_images Contains the color images of the training scenes from the point of view of the left camera in the stereo vision system. The images are in .png format and they have resolution 1920x1080 pixels. Mat file version 7.3 has been used to save the data