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We are working
with prof.
Taubman of the University of New South Wales (Australia) to
create a client-server system for the transmission of textured 3D
In the proposed scheme both texture and geometry data (represented
by a set of depth maps) is available at the server compressed in a
multi-resolution scalable way. Texture information is represented by
a set of views of the 3D model compressed in JPEG2000 and stored by
a JPIP server. The aim is to show the best possible rendering of the
current view, conditioned on the availability at client side of
previously transmitted information for other nearby views, and
subject to a transmission budget constraint. The proposed framework
introduces a distortion framework to estimate the distortion in the
rendered views at client side on the basis of the transmitted
information and of the scene parameters. This estimation is used at
server side to decide how to allocate transmission resources between
the delivery of new texture data and new elements from the geometry
bit-stream. It is also used by the client to decide how to blend the
available data coming from the different views. Wavelet techniques
are exploited to blend together information from the different
Download the 3DTV-2007 presentation of the project (
.pdf format )
Related papers:
----[1] Pietro Zanuttigh, Nicola Brusco, David Taubman and Guido Cortelazzo
"A Novel Framework for the Interactive Transmission of 3D Scenes" ,
Signal Processing:Image Communication, Elsevier,
Special Issue on "Interactive Representation Of Still and Dynamic Scenes", 2006
P. Zanuttigh, N. Brusco, D. Taubman, G.M. Cortelazzo "Greedy
Non-Linear Approximation of The Plenoptic Function For Interactive
Transmission Of 3D Scenes" International Conference of Image
Processing, ICIP05, Genova, September 11-15, 2005
[3] Nicola Brusco, Pietro Zanuttigh, Guido M. Cortelazzo and David
Taubman "Distortion-sensitive synthesis of texture and geometry in
interactive 3D visualization" 3DPVT06, Chapel
Hill, US, June 2006
[4] Pietro Zanuttigh, Nicola Brusco, David Taubman and Guido Cortelazzo
"Server policies
for interactive transmission of 3D scenes" ,
International Workshop On Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP06)
3-6,2006, Victoria, BC, Canada
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